Frontend Configuration
This page will describe how to configure the backend part of the WIMP system.
As a reminder, the "Backend" term in the WIMP system refers to the part that is accessible to teachers and administrators. For more information about the definitions used in the WIMP system, please see this page.
Configure the RaspberryOn your first Raspberry Pi (or server), if you have a firewall installed, then the first step is to add some new rules :
- Ensure that the port 8080 is open for ExpressAPI communication.
- Ensure that the port 1880 is open for Node-RED communication.
- Ensure that all the ports for the communications between your IoT devices and your Raspberry are open (for example, use a WeMo smart plug implies to open the port 9000).
Pull the sourcesOnce you have configured your firewall, you can now pull the Github project that corresponds to the Teacher/Admin part :
- In order to pull the repository, you must ask to an admin for a Github access token.
- Once you have your access token, you can simply pull the repository :
git clone https://<github-username>:<github-token>
cd ./wimp-frontend/
Now you can move on to configuring the service and exposing the backend with Nginx.
Configure RedisWe use Redis in order to limit the number of requests on the POST login endpoint. This protects the form from brute force attacks. This protection aims to blacklist malicious IPs that try to attack by brute force the login form.
To set up Redis in this context, you need to :
Install Redis on the Raspberry Pi or server that host the frontend part of the system by following this tutorial.
Configure a systemctl service for the redis server :
sudo cp -p ~/wimp-frontend/conf/wimp-redis.service /etc/systemd/system/sudo systemctl enable wimp-redis.servicesudo systemctl start wimp-redis.service
- Check if the Redis server is up :
sudo systemctl status wimp-redisredis-cli ping
Configure the environmentNow you need to add a file that will contains the environement variables for the Frontend part of the system :
- Create a file named
in the current directory :
vim .env
- And fill it with the following lines, replacing the values with your information :
ENV=prodPROTOCOL=httpsFRONTEND_HOST=**@IP of the current Raspberry pi**FRONTEND_PORT=8080BACKEND_HOST=**@IP of the Raspberry Pi that hosts the backend part**BACKEND_PORT=8080SESSION_SECRET=**Generate a strong session secret to manage the session**BACKEND_SECRET=**Generate a strong backend secret to authorize access to backend**REDIS_URL=redis://
To Authorize a frontend request to access the backend API, this request must be a POST request and have a body formatted like this :
"password": "**Backend secret in clear**"